May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trails to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human,
enough hope to keep you going!
La Multi Ani!
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet,
enough trails to make you strong,
enough sorrow to keep you human,
enough hope to keep you going!
La Multi Ani!
We have placed love and peace in every corner of our home. It is a place of health, happiness and healing. Anybody who walks into our home feels welcome. The energy here is serene and harmonious.
In our home there is laughter and love, contentment and creativity. Compassion, generosity and honesty grows here. This home is open and fresh.
We are blessed by the wonderful memories that have been created here (since 2013 ).
Your happiness depends upon your very own thoughts. No one else can think your thoughts for you.
Deliberately think thoughts of what you want because they’re the thoughts that make you happy.
Do not worry at all about negative thoughts and do not try to control them. All you have to do is begin to think good things each day. As you begin to think good thoughts you will attract more & more good things that eventually will wipe out all the negative thoughts from your life!
Rhonda Byrne
Every single human being is meant to be in joy. It is our natural state and we know it, because when we feel negative emotions we feel terrible.
We want to be happy. And the biggest thing to realize is that happiness is a choice, because it is a feeling generated from the inside of us.
We have to make a decision to be happy on the inside now, to magnetize a life of happiness on the outside.